Ep Floors Provides Aerospace & Hangar Floor Coating Systems For Industrial Use

EP Floors Corp. installs high performance aerospace & hangar floor coating systems, for new and retrofit applications. We provide a turn key application including, materials, installation, and solid warranty.

EP Floors Corp. custom tailors the floor system to the customer’s needs and budget.   From thin film coatings (epoxy & urethane) to 1/4 inch resurfacers, and everything in-between, EP Floors has a system that will meet your needs!


All systems provide the following benefits:


EP Floors Corp. systems utilize the latest technology in polyaspartic and urethane coatings, which offer the highest abrasion resistance possible. Your hangar flooring requires a coating system that will stand up over a long period of time to heavy traffic loads.  EPF utilizes this topcoat for hangar flooring because protection and ongoing maintenance are essential.


EPF’s coatings provide a high-gloss, light-reflecting, easy to clean surface. Our floors will not yellow or dull due to ultraviolet degradation, as do some lesser quality hangar floor coatings. The bright, clean surface allows easy identification of parts or liquids on the floor.


All of EPF’s hangar flooring systems incorporate an extremely easy to clean finish, making them look new for years to come.


EP Floors topcoat resists all fluids commonly used in aircraft maintenance including Skydrol. Skydrol will not damage the coating, thereby preventing contamination of the concrete, or seepage into the ground.


In addition to a standard smooth finish, EP Floors can provide a textured, non skid surface for the floor. This is accomplished with the incorporation of an extremely long-wearing aggregate into the system, making the surface texture of the floor coarse, and preventing it from becoming slippery when wet.
Ep Floors Provides Aerospace & Hangar Floor Coating Systems For Industrial Use Ep Floors Provides Aerospace & Hangar Floor Coating Systems For Industrial Use Reviewed by Unknown on 05:52 Rating: 5

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